RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 14, 2023

RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 14, 2023

Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week’s bulletin.


1. Volunteer Opportunities with RAC

RAC continues to provide many programs and services to its members and
strives to adapt to meet today’s requirements, but we need your help to
do so. Please take a look at the following opportunities and consider
joining the RAC Volunteer Team. Contact information for each volunteer
position is provided below but please contact Alan Griffin at
[email protected] if you need assistance.

1) Information Technology (IT) and Website Management
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the RAC website and
with the Membership System.
Please contact RAC’s Chief Information Technology Officer Jeff Dale,
VA3ISP at [email protected] for more information.

2) RAC Field Organization
National Advisory Committee and Sectional Council Positions
The following positions are full-time volunteer positions starting in
January 2023 with a term of two year. Applicants must be members of
Radio Amateurs of Canada.
Please provide a cover letter and resume to Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT,
Community Services Officer at [email protected].

National Advisory Committee
Deputy Community Services Officer
National AuxComm Coordinator
National Community and Youth Coordinator
National Radio Traffic and Bulletin Coordinator
National Training Coordinator
National CanWarn Coordinator
Section Manager for the Territories

Sectional Council
The following positions are effective February 1. For information on any
of these positions or the application process, please email [email protected].

Deputy Section Manager
Sectional ACS Coordinator
Sectional Community and Youth Coordinator
Sectional Radio and Traffic Coordinator
Sectional Training Officer
Sectional CanWarn Coordinator
ACS Group Coordinator
ACS Rapid Response Team Leader
ACS Provincial Response Team Coordinator

— RAC website



2. Jamboree-on-the-Air is on October 20 – 22, 2023

Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA), the largest Scouting event in the world, takes
place on the third weekend of October (10/20 – 10/22).

This annual global operating event allows Scouts to use amateur radio to
connect with hams around the world. The event is supported by many local
amateur radio clubs and individual operators. JOTA starts Friday and ends
Sunday, but there are no official hours of operation, so you have the
whole weekend to make JOTA contacts.

More information about JOTA may be found on the Scouting website, at

— arrl news


The World Radiosport Team Championship competition to be held in England
in 2026 has announced some changes being made to the selection criteria
which the organising committee believes will make the qualification
process fairer. The announcement by event vice chair Lee Volante GØMTN,
writing in the WRTC2026 groups.io email-list, comes as the first of
several qualifying events takes place this month.

Two new sub-groups will be created in the qualification area comprising
Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. This will allow contesters to
compete more directly against other local operators for qualification |
points. Competitors in the United States call areas of 1, 2, 3 and 7
are also seeing changes which the committee believes will better
accommodate propagation differences in the region. For qualification
scoring among Western US operators, Nevada, Utah and Arizona will now
be grouped into one sub-area with Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and Wyoming into another. The northeastern US call areas will be
grouped into three sub-areas for scoring purposes. The states of
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode
Island will be in one sub-group; New York, New Jersey and the
United Nations call of 4U1UN will be in a second sub-group and the
third group will comprise Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and
Washington, D.C. There will also be more sub-areas for Alaska
and Canada.

The 15 qualifying events are taking place between October 2023
and March 2025. Competitors can submit scores from as many as
eight qualifying events.

— Jeremy Boot G4NJH (Amateur radio Newsline)

4. Web based antenna designer and calculator

Rob (DM1CM) has created a website for all of us who find trying to
understand EZNEC, 4NEC2 and similar packages too hard. Rob says that
while the site is simplified and concentrates on common wire antennas,
it is still fairly accurate as behind the screen he is using antenna
modelling software. As the work is not done on your local PC some
operations can take a little while to complete but be patient and
it will get there.

As well as supplying dimensions for you to build one of the four
“standard” antennas (Linked Dipole, End-Fed-half-wave, Delta Loop
or Half Square (more to be added)), it also shows you the
propagation pattern, VSWR charts, antenna current diagram and the
smith chart for the chosen antenna.
Check out the site at www.sota-antennas.com.

— Amateur Radio Daily

This concludes this week’s bulletin.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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