RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 18, 2024

RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 18, 2024

Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week’s bulletin.


  1. Upcoming CANWARN Training

Canwarn training is again being offered via zoom on May 23 and Jun 20, 2024
Both sessions 7pm eastern time.
The RAC website will have registration information shortly.

Beyond Canwarn discussion will be held on Jun 25, 2024 also at 7 pm Eastern.
The topic will be how climate change affects severe weather events, the CANWARN
program and Canadians in general.

Further information on registration will also be provided shortly on the
RAC website.

— RAC Website


  1. London Vintage Radio Club Flea Market

Sponsor: London Vintage Radio Club
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Location: Hammond Mfg. 394 Edinburgh Rd. North, Guelph
Times: 7AM for public and vendors alike.
Cost: $10.00 for vendors, no charge to public
Description: This flea market is an annual club event, held outdoors at the
Hammond Manufacturing Ltd parking lot in Guelph. Bring your own table.
You will find antique and vintage radios, ham / amateur radio equipment,
tubes, radio collectables, parts, magazines and all sorts of radio goodies
for sale, trade etc. The club has over 150 members.
For more info: Google “London Vintage Radio Club” or “LVRC”
Email: larry.asp @ sympatico.ca
Webpage: http://lvrc.homestead.com/fleamarket.html
— RAC Events Page



The fifth annual Amateur Radio Software Award has been awarded to the hams behind two
innovative open-source software projects: OpenWebRX and OpenWebRX+

The projects and their developers are being honored with the international award for
providing innovative, free and open software that enhances amateur radio.

The leader of the OpenWebRX project is Jakob Ketterl DD5JFK. OpenWebRX can be operated
from any web browser on a computer with network access and has no need for additional
client software. The SDR receiver was designed with a simple interface to make it easy
for inexperienced people to experience HF reception.

The leader of the OpenWebRX+ project is Marat Fayzullin, KC1TXE. OpenWebRX+ is Linux
software that contains various decoders to be used with OpenWebRx, providing access to
SSTV, AIS, CW and RTTY. It is considered a fork of the OpenWebRX project, which means
it uses the source code of the original project to expand upon it.

— Amateur Radio Newsline May 17, 2024

  1. First Contact Made Through QO-100 from North America

The first contact through the QO-100 geostationary satellite made from North America
took place on May 11th from Newfoundland, Canada. VO1/M0XUU (VU3HPF) made a trans-atlantic
FT8 contact with G0MRF in London. The contact is significant considering the QO-100
footprint falls beyond Newfoundland at -0.9° below the horizon.

—Ham radio daily news May 12, 2024

This concludes this week’s bulletin.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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