RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 13, 2023
Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week’s bulletin.
1. National Hurricane Center Amateur Radio Station Annual Test
The amateur radio station of the National Hurricane Center, WX4NHC (NHC), located on the campus of Florida International University in Miami, will conduct their on-the-air Annual Communications Test on Saturday, May 27, 2023, from 9 AM – 5 PM EDT (1300z- 2100z).
This is the NHC’s 43rd year of public service. The purpose of this event is to test amateur radio equipment and antennas at the NHC as well as operators’ home equipment, antennas, and computers prior to this year’s hurricane season. The 2023 hurricane season begins June 1 and runs through November 30.
The Hurricane Watch Net will try to stay on 14.325 MHz for most of the time, as well as 7.268 MHz depending on propagation. They may also change frequencies due to potential QRM. The VoIP Hurricane Net will also be active from 4 PM – 5 PM EDT (2000-2100z),
IRLP node 9219/EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203. Visit their website for more information. QSL cards are available via WD4R with a self-addressed stamped envelope. More information about the NHC is available at their website.
— ARRL newsletter
2. 37th Annual Smiths Falls Flea Market
Sponsor: Rideau Lakes Amateur Radio Club
Date: Saturday, June 3, 2023
Location: Smiths Falls Curling Club, 13 Old Sly’s Road, Smiths Falls
Iimes: Vendors 7:00 a.m., General Public 9:00 a.m.
Cost: $5 per person (includes door prize ticket), youth under 16 admitted for free.
Talk-in: VE3RLR on 147.21 Mhz+ tone removed for the duration of the event.
Description: Our 37th annual flea market of amateur radio equipment, includes a number of commercial and private vendors, a canteen, a consignment table and equipment testing table. Check the web page which will be updated as measures or circumstances change.
Email contact: [email protected]
Webpage: https://www.ve3rlr.ca/p/httpsgoo.html
3. Central Ontario Hamfest
Sponsor: Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Clubs
Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023
Location: Just west of Cambridge at the Waterloo Regional Police Association Recreation Park located just off Hwy 401 between Exit 275 and Exit 268 We recommend you enter via Exit 268 (County Road 97, Cedar Creek Rd)
Talk-in: The talk-in frequency is the VE3KSR repeater on 146.970- (CTCSS 131.8).
Times: Vendors 7 am, Tailgaters 8am, Public 9 am to 12 noon,
Cost: $8.00, Youths 12 & under are free.
Description: Well over 40 years and still going strong – bringing together ham radio operators, hobbyists and enthusiasts just before Field Day and the summer heat. Indoor tables and tailgating; major vendors, loads of collectibles; free prize draws, tasty refreshments. Easy parking.
Email contact: [email protected]
Webpage: https://www.hamfest.on.ca/
4. via HACKADAY: Exploring the Early Days of QRP Radio
QRP initially meant something akin to “you are overloading my receiver, please reduce transmitter power” but now means “operating radios at extremely low power levels”. There’s been some debate in the amateur radio community over the years over what power level
constitutes a QRP operation, but it’s almost certainly somewhere below 100 watts, and while the radios in this video have varying power levels, they tend to be far below this upper threshold, with some operating on 1 watt or less. There are a few commercial offerings demonstrated here, produced from the 70s to the mid-80s, but a few are made from kits as well. Kits tended to be both accessible and easily repairable, with Heathkit being the more recognizable option among this category. To operate Morse code only requires a single transistor which is why kits were so popular, but there are a few other examples in this video with quite a few more transistors than that. In fact, there are all kinds of radios featured here with plenty of features we might even consider modern by today’s standards; at least when Morse code is concerned.
via Blog – Hackaday https://hackaday.com/2023/05/10/exploring-the-early-days-of-qrp-radio/
This concludes this week’s bulletin.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC