RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Jun 03, 2023
Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week’s bulletin.
1. RAC Canada Day Contest, July 01, 2023
Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors
the Canada Day Contest and Amateurs all over the world are invited to Canada’s Birthday Party on the air.
Contest Period: 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC on Saturday, July 1.
Bands and Modes: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres, CW and phone (SSB, FM, AM, etc.)
Exchange: Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory.
VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number.
QSOs: You may work any station once on each of the two modes, on each of the eight contest bands.
Contacts or soliciting QSOs through a repeater during the contest period is not allowed.
Multipliers: Thirteen in total, Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories. Each multiplier may be counted
once on each mode on each of the eight contest bands.
Final Score: The QSO points from all bands multiplied by the total number of multipliers from all bands.
Categories: All categories are designed to be multi-mode, Phone and CW categories except for the two
single operator single mode categories.
Please check the RAC website for full rules to the RAC Canada Day Contest
— Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU – RAC Canada Day Contest Manager
2. RAC Annual General Meeting, Saturday August 19, 2023
The Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in
Halifax, Nova Scotia. The AGM will be hosted by the Halifax Amateur Radio Club (HARC)
in conjunction with its 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Conference.
All RAC members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting which will be held
as a hybrid event (both in-person and online) at 3 pm (Eastern Time)
Agenda items will include:
1) Report of the President
2) Review of the 2022 finances
3) Appointment of auditors for 2023
A Question and Answer period will follow the AGM proceedings. This is your opportunity to
hear what your representatives have been doing over the past year, to raise questions, and to
make suggestions about how RAC is managed and where it is going in the future.
The meeting will be attended by members of the RAC Board of Directors and Executive and is
open to all RAC members.
Stay tuned for more information. https://www.rac.ca/agm/
— RAC website
3. Peterborough ARES update.
Peterborough ARES Group Coordinator (GC) John VE3VL reported that he has stepped down
as of the end of April. He highly recommended Harmen VE3EMA to take the leadership.
Acting GC Harmen Minnema, VE3EMA, has been acting in this role over the winter and has
brought forward many new initiatives, strengthened relationships with County and City CEMCs
and recruited new members. I am very happy to appoint Harmen as the new GC.
Congratulations go to Harmen VE3EMA for accepting this important position as the Peterborough
Group Coordinator (GC) as of May 1st. Harmen is supported by an active and enthusiastic
membership, now 17 members.
Thanks also to the outgoing group coordinator John VE3VL for his service.
— Michael Hickey – VE3IPC, Section Manager for Ontario East
4. 2023 Field Day is just 3 weeks away, on June 24 – 25.
It’s the most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. More than 40,000
hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to
demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill, and service to our communities and our nation.
It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills,
all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933.
While some treat it as a contest, other groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency
response capabilities. It’s an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how amateur radio might serve
in an emergency, as well as how in can help the general public with special events.
The main focus of Field Day is to contact as many stations as possible on the 160 thru 10-meter
HF bands, all bands on 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in
less than optimal conditions.
Remember to check out http://www.arrl.org/field-day for the official rules.
— ARRL newsletter
This concludes this week’s bulletin.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC