RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 28, 2023
Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week’s bulletin.
1. RAC alias email to Microsoft domains now fixed.
As previously reported, the RAC email alias system was not working properly with
Microsoft-based emails. We are pleased to report that our IT Team volunteers have been able
to resolve this issue. Thank you once again for your patience.
The RAC website is designed and maintained by a team of dedicated volunteers under the direction
of the RAC Chief Information and Technology Officer.
If you would like to volunteer please contact:
— Jeff Dale, VA3ISP, RAC Chief Information Technology Officer
2. British Columbia QSO Party 2023
Date/Time: 1600z Feb 4 to 0359z Feb 5 AND 1600z Feb 5 to 2359 Feb 5
Rules are available at: http://www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html
The BC QSO Party counts for the QSO Party Challenge that kicks off the 2023 season on Feb 4th.
— Rebecca VA7BEC
3. London Amateur Radio Club sponsoring NVIS test.
The London Amateur Radio Club and the London ARES team would like to invite you to participate
in an NVIS exercise we are planning for Sunday Feb 5.
We don’t use NVIS very often, and to verify you can operate successfully, you need some test stations
within a couple of hundred miles. So we thought we’d invite Ontario Amateur Radio Clubs and ARES
teams to participate in an exercise. We can all test out our NVIS configurations and get an idea of what
the range of NVIS actually is. Feel free to invite others to join in.
We will operate as a directed net with a net controller here in London.
We plan on being on the air from 2 PM to 5 PM and our planned 40 meter phone frequencies are
7.225 MHz – primary 7.190 MHz – secondary 7.270 MHz – tertiary
As part of the check-in process, we will ask for some information:
1. Your power level
2. Your rough assessment of net control’s transmission quality: Poor, OK, Good
3. Your location
We hope to get this information onto a map somehow, and publish it on the LARC.ca website.
4. Proposals Sought to Host 2026 World Radiosport Team Championship — WRTC
The World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee (WRTC-SC) is accepting proposals
for hosting the 2026 WRTC event. The World Radiosport Team Championship is an on-site amateur
radio competition, usually held every 4 years.
WRTC 2022, delayed due to COVID-19, is scheduled to be held in Bologna, Italy, in July 2023.
Teams of two operators representing a geographical region of the world come to the host site to
compete using similar antennas and locations, overseen by on-site referees. The WRTC competition has
typically been held as a contest-within-a-contest coincident with the IARU HF World Championship to
capitalize on the high activity of a popular world-wide operating event.
Groups interested in hosting WRTC 2026 should submit a Letter of Intent, with a summary proposal no
later than March 31, 2023, to the Chairman of the WRTC Sanctioning Committee, Tine Brajnik, S50A,
via email to [email protected].
— WRTC Committee more info at https://wrtc.info/
This concludes this week’s bulletin.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC