RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 24, 2022
Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week’s bulletin.
1. Registration for the RAC Basic Spring 2023 is now underway!
Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Amateur Radio course so that individuals
from all across Canada can obtain their Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification.
The course will be held on Thursday evenings commencing on Thursday, January 26 from 6 pm to
9 pm (1800 – 2100) Eastern Time and Sunday afternoons 1 pm to 4 pm (1300 – 1600)
Eastern Time. The course ends in early April 2023.
The registration fee for the course is $50 plus GST/HST. The cost of the Basic Study Guide is extra
and an order link will be provided upon completion of payment.
It is essential that all students have the necessary equipment and bandwidth capable of taking the
course – at least a tablet or PC and a DSL broadband connection.
— RAC Website
2. RAC Call Sign Policy Survey Results Now Available
In August and September 2022, Radio Amateurs of Canada conducted an online survey open to all
Canadian Radio Amateurs. The survey focused on the policy related to call signs, but also covered
some other matters. Over 2,300 people participated from every province and territory of Canada.
The raw data from the survey has been compiled and is now available on the RAC website.
Dr Frank Howell, K4FMH, volunteered his skills in survey methods and analysis to produce a report
organizing your responses. Frank’s analysis is also available on the RAC website in a PDF document.
The RAC Executive and Board will work together to produce a series of recommendations for changes
and updates to the call sign policy based on your input. Once approved by the RAC Board, we will
present our recommendations to our regulator – Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
(ISED) – at the next meeting of the Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board (CARAB) sometime in
2023. ISED will then decide which recommendations to implement and when to do so.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact RAC Regulatory Affairs Officer Dave Goodwin,
VE3KG, at [email protected] and also the RAC Director for your region.
— RAC Website https://www.rac.ca/regulatory-advocacy
3. BOUVET ISLAND DXpedition launches propagation poll.
Few of us need reminders that the Bouvet Island DXpeditioners who’ll be activating 3YØJ from the
remote island are setting sail in less than a month. The 22-day on-air operation with a 12-member team
is motivated to log more than 200,000 QSOs. With Bouvet in the number two spot on the DXCC Most
Wanted List, this is not an impossible goal.
The team is committed to making contacts. If you visit the DXpedition website at 3YØJ dot NO
you will find a propagation poll under the tab labeled “Latest News.”
This will enable interested DXpedition chasers to provide the team with details about their station setup,
including power and antenna, so that the operators can approximate propagation to a certain region based
on the stations calling them from there.
— Ham Radio Newsline
4. Activating POTA Parks in the Worst Winter Weather.
Bob Farquharson, WC1N, has completed a lot of harsh weather POTA activations. While some operators
might get caught unaware of bad weather, Bob seems to go looking for “trouble.” With the correct gear,
including a portable ice shack, an infinite knowledge of the best home-brew antennas to get the job done,
and unequalled emergency preparedness, Bob knows exactly what he’s doing. When he’s not activating
parks, he’s climbing mountains for SOTA activations. Watch the YouTube video to meet Bob, WC1N,
and learn more about his impressive ham escapades.
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/l0j691bCVAs
— QRZ News forums
This concludes this week’s bulletin.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC – Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone.