RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 10, 2022

RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 10, 2022

Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week’s bulletin.


1. RAC Winter Contest – 00:00z to 23:59z   December 17th, 2022

Bands and Modes: 160, through 2 metres (no 60m or WARC), CW and phone (SSB, FM, AM, etc.)
Exchange: Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory.
    VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number.
QSOs:  Contacts with stations in Canada or VEØs are worth 10 points.
    Contacts with stations outside Canada are worth 2 points.
    Contacts with RAC official stations are worth 20 points.
RAC official stations are: VA2RAC, VA3RAC, VE1RAC, VE4RAC, VE5RAC, VE6RAC, VE7RAC,
Multipliers: Thirteen in total, Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories. Each multiplier may be counted
    once on each mode on each of the eight contest bands.
Final Score: The total QSO from all bands multiplied by the total number of multipliers from all bands.
Categories: All categories are designed to be multi-mode, Phone and CW categories except for the two
single operator single mode categories. It is required that single operator all bands’ categories have at least
one contact in both modes to differentiate those categories from the single model categories. All other
categories may operate single mode if so desired recognizing that it reduces their potential contacts and

Info on the RAC website at: https://www.rac.ca/contesting-results/


2.  ONTARS SANTA NET Reminder – Dec 14th, 15th,  2022

The popular SANTA Net will take place 14th and 15th December, 2022 on 3.755 MHz at 5pm
each night. Be sure to gather the children for an opportunity to chat with Santa.
Frank VA3FJM will be Santa’s helper this year.
— Ontars Newsletter


3.  Quarter Century Wireless Association to Celebrate 75 Years on December 5, 2022.

QCWA’s mission includes promoting “friendship and cooperation among Amateur Radio (Wireless)
operators who were licensed as such at least a quarter of a century ago.”

During the organization’s 75 years, it has had nearly 40,000 members. The Cleveland, Ohio, chapter
was the first chapter chartered in 1951, and now has over 100 members.

QCWA Special Event Station, W2MM, will operate from 0001 UTC December 3 to
2359 UTC December 10, 2022.

QCWA is also hosting the members-only Worked 75/75 Members Contest from
December 5, 2022, through February 18, 2023. The contest encourages QCWA members to contact
a minimum of 75 QCWA members during the contest period. All contest entrants will receive a special
Additional information is available at https://qcwa.org/1-worked-75-75-members-contest.htm.
— ARRL news

4  A Christmas Message to the World from SAQ

On Christmas Eve morning, December 24, 2022, the Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association,
in southern Sweden will be on the air sending out a special Christmas message to the world.
The event will begin at 07:30 UTC with the startup and tuning of the Alexanderson alternator
transmitter through Grimeton Radio Station, call sign SAQ. The transmission will begin at 08:00 UTC
with the 98-year-old 200 kW Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz CW.
Grimeton Radio Station, SK6SAQ, will be QRV (ready) on the following frequencies:
3.535 MHz CW,   7.035 MHz CW,  14.035 MHz CW
3.755 MHz SSB,   7.140 MHz SSB
QSL reports can be sent to SK6SAQ via email at [email protected].
The Alexanderson alternator transmitter is the only remaining example of early pre-electronic radio
transmitter technology. The station, built in 1922 – 1924, has been preserved as a historical site.
From the 1920s through the 1940s, it was used to transmit telegram traffic by Morse code to
North America and throughout the world during World War II.
More information can be found at the Grimeton Radio website https://alexander.n.se/en/
— ARRL Newsletter

This concludes this week’s bulletin.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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